
The Difference Between Trade Shows and Hostels

Before my first retirement I went to a lot of trade shows, conferences and industry events. Most of the time I was working as part of a sales team to represent a company but sometimes I went as a participant for continuing education. I have only stayed in a few hostels through my travels this year. So, I decided to… Read more →

Dear Mom, I Crashed a Scooter in Hvar

Dear Mom, I should have listened to you, I’m sorry that I didn’t. Remember that time that I crashed the pink scooter when I was a kid? Yes, the “Barbie Bike.” I think I broke my wrist that time. Well, no injuries this time but the crash was way worse. I was trying to pull over to let a big… Read more →

You Get What You Pay For in Italy

I had many interesting adventures while wandering through Italy during the last three weeks. EVERYONE thought I was Italian. This caused a lot of disappointment and confusion, from both sides. People would ask me a question, which always took about two minutes, I would let them finish and then I would say “Non parlo l’italiano.” After that, various hand, arm… Read more →

A Panoramic Review of Australia

¡Buenas from España! Yes, I went from Perth to Madrid. Maybe it was not the most efficient way around the world but soon I will tell you all about how it was the right choice for me. First, below is a panoramic review of my amazing travels through Australia! The past two months were an amazing mix of beaches, national… Read more →

Touring Tasmania

I “hired a car” and took a fantastic six day road trip through and around Tasmania. “Tassie” is known as a natural state of Australia, with varying geography covered in reserves, national parks and World Heritage Sites. The organic food and drink is beautiful. But, I will most remember the festivals and random people that speak like educated pirates –… Read more →